Storytime: Tuesdays at 10:30am starting January 14, 2025.
LEGO League for 3rd and 4th grade students. Please call to register.
author visit with Peggy Joque Williams on Saturday, January 18 at 11:00am.
Book discussions on Monday, January 20 at 3:00 and 5:30pm for "The Widows of Malabar Hill."
Adult Drop-in card playing. Euchre on Tuesday at 1:00pm. Cribbage on Thursdays at 1:00pm.

Bookmobile News

Homebound Delivery Service Application

The Poynette Area Public Library Board of Trustees recently voted to purchase a Bookmobile (2022 Ford Transit) from Bell Ford in Arlington. Then, the library received an amazing grant from the Alliant Energy Foundation that helped make this dream come true! If you'd like to financially support our mobile outreach vehicle, please contact Jodi Bailey for more information (jbailey [at] (jbailey[at]poynettelibrary[dot]com)). On behalf of the Library Board of Trustees, we'd like to say, "Thank you!" for the incredible level of generous community support we receive.

Library staff is excited to chat with our patrons and community members in order to create a calendar of service opportunities. If you know of a need that we can meet with the library's free Wi-Fi or if you'd like to invite the Bookmobile to bring materials to a community event, please email or call us at: poylib [at] (poylib[at]poynettelibrary[dot]com) or 608-635-7577.

It is the mission of the Poynette Area Public Library to provide information through materials and programs for all people, to nurture the growth of patrons, and to meet the learning needs of our public through continued improvement. 

Because of library supporters like you, we are able to fulfill our mission. Thank you!