Minutes, April 9, 2024


Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 5:00 pm

Poynette Area Public Library


Call to Order and Roll Call - Call to Order and Roll Call - The meeting was called to order at 5:02 PM by President Jason Koopmans. Board Members Linda Ross, Darcy Miller, Jason Koopmans, Brittney Jackson, Joni DeYoung, and Meghan Visger attended the meeting. Library Director Jodi Bailey was also present. Jerry Pritzl was unable to attend.


Certification of Proper Notice - Yes


Guests are Welcome to Attend - None


Public Comments - None


Adoption of Agenda - A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Visger, seconded by Ross; Motion carried.


Approval of Minutes from March 12, 2024 - A motion to adopt the March meeting minutes as presented was made by Ross, seconded by DeYoung; Motion carried. 


Treasurer’s Report Presented by Treasurer Linda Ross - The library checking account at Bank First has a balance of $5,412.56 as of March 29, 2024. The SCLS Foundation account has a balance of $1,949.00 as of February 29, 2024.


Current Budget Review - Director Bailey presented the budget.


Director’s Report - The library’s hiring panel conducted interviews on March 21st for the Library Assistant vacancy. Amanda (Dani) Schill joined the library family on April 9th. The library staff moved shelving and materials to create more patron seating for work/study/gathering space. This new area has already been utilized for patron programming. The staff attended several webinars, classes, and monthly meetings for planning purposes, continuing education, and safety training. Community involvement in March included utilizing the Bookmobile to deliver books supporting the Pioneer Place outreach program, in-home daycare deliveries, and home-bound delivery.


Village of Poynette Meeting Update - DeYoung shared that Village is contracting with Accurate Assessors. The Village Board approved the new playground equipment design. The playground will be ADA/wheelchair accessible.


Friends of the Library Update - Board member Jackson attended the meeting. Jackson shared that the Friends of the Library decided to fund both of the Summer Reading Program performers. They discussed the PACE grant and plan on using the funds to help enhance the library. They discussed the 2024 Silent Auction and will promote donations of unsold items from the upcoming Poynette garage sales.


Trustee Training – Board member Jackson discussed the usefulness of the library’s Launchpads for family travel. Launchpads have many appealing attributes: they are not Wi-Fi dependent (so children cannot accidentally access anything from the internet, unlike other tablets), and the Launchpads are preloaded with only educational (STEAM) games. Jackson’s children found the Launchpads easy-to-use and enjoyable. Director Bailey plans to bring a few Launchpads to next month’s meeting along with up-to-date usage statistics.



  1. Approval of Vouchers for Library - Miller made a motion to accept the vouchers as presented, seconded by DeYoung; Motion carried.
  2. Discuss/consider the Bookmobile Committee update -This committee met on April 9th. The Bookmobile is going to Bell Ford on April 11th for the installation of shelving and additional interior donations. Bryce K. plans to get the wrap installed in April.
  3. Discuss/consider “Business Officer Resolution Form” for TCM Bank - Director Bailey shared that the library’s Visa card was recently compromised. Bailey received a new card, however TCM Bank requires President Koopmans’ signature on a “Business Officer Resolution Form” so that Director Bailey has authorization to contact TCM Bank in the future. Currently, the only authorized officer on the Visa account is Natalie Megow, Poynette Village Clerk. Miller made a motion approving President Koopmans’ signature on TCM Bank’s Business Officer Resolution Form; seconded by Jackson; Motion carried.
  4. Discuss Agenda Items for the Next Meeting on May 14, 2024 - Business Agenda items 1, 2, review the Strategic Plan, Policy Review: Chapter 43 presented by Tracie M. (SCLS), and any items that may arise.


Convene into Closed Session - Koopmans made a motion at 5:57 PM for the Board to convene into Closed Session; seconded by DeYoung, Motion carried; Roll Call vote was conducted.


Per Wis. State Stats. 19.85(1)(c) - Considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.

  1. Part-time Employee Compensation


Open Session (Discussion and/or Possible Action) - Visger made a motion to reconvene into Open Session at 6:13 PM; seconded by Ross; Motion carried.


  • DeYoung made a motion to authorize a bonus to be paid to Dave, Katy and Leah for their cost-savings to the library regarding the recent Teen area remodel; Miller seconded; Motion carried.
  • Miller made a motion to purchase one encore chair and four cognac brown chair covers; Visger seconded; Motion carried. Furniture will be purchased from EBi Interiors (SCLS contracted vendor).


Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 6:16 PM.


Respectively submitted by Meghan Visger, Secretary