Minutes, February 13, 2024


Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at 5:00 pm 

Poynette Area Public Library 

Call to Order and Roll Call - The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM by President Jason Koopmans. Board Members Linda Ross, Brittney Jackson, Joni DeYoung, and Meghan Visger attended the meeting. Library Director Jodi Bailey was also present. Jerry Pritzl attended virtually. Darcy Miller was unable to attend. 

Certification of Proper Notice - Yes 

Guests are Welcome to Attend - None 

Public Comments - None 

Adoption of Agenda - A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Ross, seconded by DeYoung; Motion carried. 

Approval of Minutes from January 16, 2024 - A motion to adopt the January meeting minutes as presented was made by Koopmans, seconded by Ross; Motion carried. 

Treasurer’s Report Presented by Treasurer Linda Ross - The library checking account at Bank First has a balance of $5,326.24 as of January 31, 2024. The SCLS Foundation account has a balance of $1,903.35 as of January 31, 2024. 

Current Budget Review - Director Bailey presented the budget. 

Director’s Report - The library was closed on Monday, January 1st, observing the New Year’s holiday. The library was closed on January 9th and January 12th per the Emergency Closing Policy. The Winter Reading Program wrapped up on January 31st with 78 registered participants. The prize baskets were generously donated by the Friends of Poynette Library. The staff attended several webinars, classes, and monthly meetings for planning purposes, continuing education, and safety training. Community involvement in January included utilizing the Bookmobile to deliver books supporting the Pioneer Place outreach program, in-home daycare deliveries, and home-bound delivery. 

Village of Poynette Meeting Update (DeYoung) - The Police Department stated that Medflight was here on Monday night to assist with an accident on the Interstate. The Police Department is getting a “Soft Room” as a more comfortable option to talk with children or other individuals. The Paquette Park playground equipment is getting updated. They have received a $10,000 grant and April Aire is also planning to help with funding. They are hoping this will be installed in June. The Farmer’s Market has extended hours until noon. It will open on Mother’s Day weekend through mid-October. 

Friends of the Library Update - No meeting was held in February.


1. Approval of Vouchers for Library - Koopmans made a motion to accept the vouchers as presented, seconded by DeYoung; Motion carried. 

2. Discuss/consider the final Bookmobile Committee update: Meeting held on Feb. 13 at 4:30 PM - This committee met on February 13th. Bryce was unable to attend so there isn’t an update on the mock wrap-up. Director Bailey shared that our next step was to make some decisions on the interior. There is still grant money that can be used on the Bookmobile. The committee discussed the needs and wants of the bookmobile. A need that was determined was a ramp to make it easier to load and unload totes to make it safer for everyone. Director Bailey is going to look into different options and get some price quotes. 

3. Discuss/consider adopting the 2023 Annual Report - Ross made a motion to adopt the motion as presented, seconded by Jackson; Motion carried. 

4. Discuss Agenda Items for the Next Meeting on March 12, 2024 - Business Agenda items 1, 2, Policy Review, Trustee Training, and any items that may arise. 

Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM

Respectively submitted by Meghan Visger, Secretary