Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 5:00 pm
Poynette Area Public Library
Call to Order and Roll Call - The meeting was called to order at 5:07 PM by President Jason Koopmans. Board Members Linda Ross, Darcy Miller, Jason Koopmans, Jerry Pritzl, Brittney Jackson, Joni DeYoung, and Meghan Visger attended the meeting. Library Director Jodi Bailey was also present.
Certification of Proper Notice - Yes
Guests in Attendance – None
Public Comments - President Koopmans expressed his gratitude to Linda Ross for her service to the Poynette Library and the Columbia County Library Board.
Adoption of Agenda - A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Miller, seconded by Koopmans; Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes from August 13, 2024 - A motion to adopt the August meeting minutes as presented was made by Ross, seconded by Koopmans; Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report Presented by Treasurer Linda Ross - The library checking account at Bank First has a balance of $4,329.32 as of August 30, 2024. The SCLS Foundation account has a balance of $2,082.68 as of August 31, 2024.
Current Budget Review - Director Bailey presented the budget.
Director’s Report - Director Bailey shared that Katy Hanousek was selected by the South Central Library System Board of Directors as a "Community Superhero." Katy will receive this distinguished award at the SCLS Cornerstone event in October. Our Summer Reading Program had 335 total participants. The juggling performer on July 22 surpassed expectations with 89 attendees. Library staff enjoyed hosting 2 awesome teachers & 31 students for the School District's Individual Reading program. It's been wonderful to welcome so many new & emerging readers to our library community this summer. Our newest employee, Shannon Erb, received her Wisc. Library Director Certification on July 30. The staff attended several webinars, classes, and monthly meetings for planning purposes, continuing education, and computer safety training. Community involvement in August included the Bookmobile participating in the Arlington Fireman’s Parade, the Poynette Farmers Market, the Seize the Day epilepsy fundraiser and delivering books to support the Pioneer Place outreach program, in-home daycares, and deliveries to home-bound patrons.
Village of Poynette Meeting Update - DeYoung shared that the Village hired two part-time custodians. The resolution involving the Village paying the library taxes passed. The language was revised for the policies regarding owning animals in the Village.
Friends of the Library Update - Director Bailey shared that they did not have a meeting this month. The Friends will have their annual meeting on Saturday, September 28th along with a presentation from an author, Sue Berg.
Approval of Vouchers for Library - Ross made a motion to accept the vouchers as presented, seconded by Pritzl; Motion carried.
Discuss 2025 Budget Committee update from the Village - Director Bailey shared that she met with the Village Clerk & Deputy Clerk/Treasurer and made a few adjustments to the numbers. The Budget Committee will discuss staff increases at the next meeting and bring final Budget numbers to the Board in October. [Jodi will attend the Columbia Co. Board of Supervisors Finance Committee meeting on September 25 to learn more about their contribution.]
Library Space Planning Committee update: meeting to be held September 26th at 5:00 pm - Deb Haeffner, SCLS Consultant, plans to attend the next meeting to discuss architect choices and potential next steps.
Discuss / consider new candidates for Library Board Trustee vacancy - There has been one applicant since the vacancy was posted. The posting will remain open for a few more weeks. In October, the Board will nominate Trustees who will be taking over the Vice President and Treasurer roles, due to Linda’s resignation.
Discuss Agenda Items for the Next Meeting on October 8, 2024 - Business Agenda items 1, 2, 3, consider and seat the new board member, distribute Director evaluation materials, and any items that may arise.
Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m.
Respectively submitted by Meghan Visger, Secretary