Minutes, May 14, 2024


Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 5:00 pm 

Poynette Area Public Library

Call to Order and Roll Call - The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by President Jason Koopmans. Board Members Linda Ross, Darcy Miller, Jason Koopmans, Brittney Jackson, Joni DeYoung, and Meghan Visger attended the meeting. Library Director Jodi Bailey was also present. Jerry Pritzl attended remotely. 

Certification of Proper Notice - Yes Guests are Welcome to Attend - Tracie Miller (South Central Library System) 

Public Comments - None 

Adoption of Agenda - A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Ross, seconded by DeYoung; Motion carried. 

Approval of Minutes from April 9, 2024 - A motion to adopt the April meeting minutes as presented was made by Miller, seconded by Koopmans; Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report Presented by Treasurer Linda Ross - The library checking account at Bank First has a balance of $5,465.25 as of April 30, 2024. The SCLS Foundation account has a balance of $1,938.52 as of April 30, 2024. 

Current Budget Review - Director Bailey presented the budget. 

Director’s Report - The library staff handled hundreds of requests for free NSF Solar Eclipse glasses. Staff enjoyed assisting Mrs. Milewski’s fifth-grade students in checking out materials for History Night. The new Library Assistant, Dani Schill, joined the library family on April 9th. Bell Ford generously donated the shelving and lovely new bookmobile interior. A few unused cabinets in the children’s area are being repurposed for book shelving. The staff attended several webinars, classes, and monthly meetings for planning purposes, continuing education, and safety training. Community involvement in April included utilizing the Bookmobile to deliver books supporting the Pioneer Place outreach program, in-home daycare deliveries, and home-bound delivery. 

Village of Poynette Meeting Update (DeYoung) - DeYoung shared that the Drug Take Back brought in 80 pounds of medication which provided the Poynette Police Department with a $500 grant. Two new officers were sworn in. There were 22 vendors at the first Farmers Market of the season. It was well attended. The Clean Up Day was not as successful as it was in the past possibly because of the new location at the old Alliant Center. 

Friends of the Library Update (Jackson) - Board member Jackson attended the meeting on May 14. The Friends are sponsoring an author and purchasing a set of books. They discussed the postcards that they will be sending out for the auction. They discussed the PACE Grant. They are planning to write a letter to the board of the PACE Grant to get permission to use the funds to enhance the library.


1. Approval of Vouchers for Library - DeYoung made a motion to accept the vouchers as presented, seconded by Jackson; Motion carried. 

2. Policy Review: Chapter 43 presented by Tracie Miller, SCLS Public Library Administration Consultant - Tracie summarized Chapter 43 for the Board. The statute puts rules in place of what our libraries in this state follow. It describes why we have libraries. It gives details of the duties of the library and technology. It also describes the duties of COLAND. It explains public libraries, state aid, and how it is broken down. It describes county planning and funding and gives descriptions of the types of libraries. Chapter 43 defines the responsibilities, powers, and duties of the board. It discusses open meeting logs. 

3. Discuss/consider Bookmobile Committee update - Director Bailey shared the final design for the wrap. Bryce Kitson is planning on wrapping it on a Saturday in May. 

4. Strategic Plan mid-year review of progress toward goals - The Board reviewed the strategic plan and noted that we are on track with all the focuses. The library is currently working on finishing the Bookmobile and training our new staff. 

5. Discuss/consider Contingency Fund purchase of reading nook - Director Bailey recently purchased a children’s reading nook for the children’s area. Koopmans made a motion to approve the use of contingency funds to purchase a new reading nook for $768.79, Miller seconded, Motion carried. 

6. Discuss Agenda Items for the Next Meeting on June 11, 2024 - Business Agenda items 1, 3, meeting update from the Library Space Planning Committee, and any items that may arise. 


Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 6:19 p.m. 

Respectively submitted by Meghan Visger, Secretary